It Can Hurt To Keep Your Heels Down-Cross Fiber Massage Can Help - Dr. Pat Bona


Dr. Pat Bona - Doctor of Chiropractic

Human Health, Massage, Technique

January 14, 2016

It Can Hurt To Keep Your Heels Down-Cross Fiber Massage Can Help

The joints in your hips, ankles and knees can take a serious battering while riding. Cross Fiber Massage can help. Let us show you how.

What is Cross Fiber Friction? 
It is best defined as a manual technique which was developed by Dr. James Cyriax while he was trying to find a cure for the

soft tissue injuries. The technique aims at breaking down and decreasing the knots and lesions which are formed during an injury such as tears, breaks, or sprains.

The Benefits of Cross Fiber Friction Technique

The primary aim of the cross fiber friction is to maintain mobility, improve range of motion and reduce scarring within the soft tissue structures of the ligaments, tendons and muscles following an injury, it is also beneficial in alleviating the crystalline roughness formed between the tendons and their sheaths which can cause painful tendonitis. It also prevents the trigger points and the myofascial adhesions which hamper the mobility.


How is Cross Fiber Friction Administered?

The administration of massage is similar to lightly rubbing of the skin back and forth in a straight line and then changing the direction to rub up and down again. While administering the cross fiber friction, two fingers are used to rub in an up and down motion and moving

perpendicularly. This movement helps in aligning the collagen fibers. This process is continued for 5 to 20 minutes. While the cross fiber friction massage is being given, very little oil or lotion is used. It can also be administered without the use of any oil or lotion and preferably so.*

How Can I Use Cross Fiber Self Massage to Help with Ankle Pain? Licensed massage therapist (LMT), Elizabeth Maldonado, LMT shows us an easy-to-apply technique that can provide relief today. The use of a Posture Prep Cross Fiber Tool (for humans) can aid in the relief. Feel better!

*Educational contribution from Vibha Life

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